Small-lot, Heartfelt Wines
As first-generation vintners, we are making wines without prescription or precedent, honored to guide excellent fruit into compelling wines. Each bottle of Hibou is an act of discovery, the telling of a unique story, and a convivial experience to share. We look forward to connecting with you through camaraderie and craft.

Driven by Passion and Possibility
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

An Unfolding Discovery
Starting with excellent fruit from honorable growers, we make our wines gently and responsively with minimal intervention. Our handwork follows each barrel’s lead as the wine slowly reveals itself through a natural process over time. We rely on native yeasts, unhurried whole-cluster fermentations, and hand punchdowns. We age classically in barrel with minimal racking, and only the wines that genuinely excite us become Hibou.

A Hunt For Hidden Gems
We partner with prized sites in and along the Sonoma Coast, Russian River Valley, Napa Valley, and North Coast. Our small-scale production allows us to chase down exceptional opportunities and work with inspiring growers. We’re always on the hunt for small, magical parcels that might one day become our next bottling.
Working at What We Love, Together

Jason’s first foray into winemaking was a job at Elsom Cellars, a small family business in Woodinville, Washington. We then moved to St. Helena, where Jason fulfilled his dream of becoming a chef at the Culinary Institute of America. Between kitchen apprenticeships and a stint working a Napa Valley harvest, his love for cooking translated into a love for winemaking, and ultimately, the slower pace and in-depth process of the cellar drew him in full-time. Over the past decade, Jason has immersed himself in the craft, collaborating with masterful winemakers, continually learning and refining. Hibou has allowed him to make wines that genuinely excite him. Sourcing from exceptional vineyards, he looks to each wine for its honest self-expression. Each Hibou wine is, for us, a unique and unpredictable entity that becomes what it’s meant to be over time.

We work with small, select parcels that we translate as purely and beautifully as possible. A decade of winemaking has taught us—with every minute decision in the vineyard and cellar—that trust in the process is critical. We trust our growers as they consult with us on the farming of our vines with a sensitive hand and diligent eye. In turn, they entrust us with extraordinary fruit. We trust our skill and instinct—as much our senses as our calculations—as we gently guide the wine into being. We trust each barrel to evolve into the singular expression it wants to be, and we bottle only the most compelling lots as Hibou.